"I envisioned myself hanging from the ceiling" - Adam Brown (Part 1)

"I envisioned myself hanging from the ceiling" - Adam Brown (Part 1)

This is the first part of a double episode. Two distinct parts to an amazing story…you won’t be disappointed.

Adam Brown says he was a full blown alcoholic. His San Franciscan lifestyle was full of fun, friends … but also booze. AND lot’s of it.

Once he was confronted with the reality of the consequences of this lifestyle for the second time … that included possible death and a DUI costing a “good 12 grand” , he realised - “I was not paying attention to me … my growth”.

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"It was visceral ... it was this instant love affair"

"It was visceral ... it was this instant love affair"

During his career, seasoned TV personality Simon Reeve traveled too many places around the world presenting television shows…but it was Africa, especially South Africa, that really captured his heart.

From the moment he first visited Zimbabwe in the 1990’s, he was captured by the smells, the air … the charms. So much so, that in the late 1990’s he moved his family to Botswana and formed a production company attached to a safari operation.

This obsession continues for Simon to this day. Experience this feeling from some great imagery and stories at www.simonreeve.com.au

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"You can only draw the dots backwards ... you cannot see them forward"

"You can only draw the dots backwards ... you cannot see them forward"

Courtnee Nichols may only be in her late twenties but she has made a multitude of mature decisions to reshape her life … and career. Many of these decisions occurred when she considered going to University as a mature aged student, after originally qualifying as a Jewellery Designer from TAFE and then 10 years working in retail.

The compelling influence behind this decision to go to Uni is summed up in her own words:-

“I still wanted that “ME” coming through … that possibility of a career lurking in the distant to come back to after children … it was driving me”p in her own words:-

“I still wanted that “ME” coming through … that possibility of a career lurking in the distant to come back to after children … it was driving me”

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"The first time I fully identified with being disabled"

"The first time I fully identified with being disabled"

Disability is best defined as … “A physical or mental condition you have to plan around … EVERY DAY”

Natalia Hodgins future continues to take shape, even with the challenges around chronic and invisible illness and the acknowledgement of her disability. In her own words, the view of a bright future has been set after … “accepting that I was disabled and leaning into that community and that word”

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"Found myself standing next to Nicole Kidman ... and Bill Clinton sitting in the aisle across from me"

"Found myself standing next to Nicole Kidman ... and Bill Clinton sitting in the aisle across from me"

Natalia had just turned 30 and was living the dream … achieving the #1 thing on her bucket list.

She found herself living and working in New York City. Working for the Australian Consulate and hanging out in a share house in SOHO, Manhattan. Daily life involved going too many incredible cultural experiences and this included one where she was “standing next to Nicole Kidman … and with Bill Clinton in the aisle across from her”.

BUT, then the dream turned into a nightmare.

Natalia caught a virus and was exposed to “toxic mould” … this triggered an illness where she got sick … and never got better.

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"Books are such great tools to change our thinking"

"Books are such great tools to change our thinking"

Elena Brand is an avid second hand shopper and on one trip she discovered a book … a book that triggered a life change, relationship changes and ultimately a career change.

The book was “The Tibetan book of Living and Dying” by Sogyal Rinpoche.

All of Elena’s life changes occurred after reading just 25 % of the book and engaging in a 10 minute exercise about dying … so, with some experience in living but no experience in dying, she had the realisation there was more to life.

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"That was a "BIG" boyfriend moment" ... on the day of the surgery.

"That was a "BIG" boyfriend moment" ... on the day of the surgery.

Jacinta had a life changing health incident in her early 30’s.

Her father had been “nagging her for 4 years” to get tested for a cancer gene he knew he had … and had a 50% chance of passing it on.

Finally, after much coaxing she visited the medical professionals to be checked … and hopefully cleared…BUT that wasn’t to be the case. The resulting 3.5cm tumor in her bowel meant she was in surgery within 3 weeks.

Taking the time to reflect after the surgery she began to focus on what was ahead of her in her life…and her mortality.

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"But it was just like, this darkness ... which was revealed ... which I hadn't anticipated"

"But it was just like, this darkness ... which was revealed ... which I hadn't anticipated"

“What happens to a DREAM deferred?”

Susan is from New Mexico in the USA, but has lived most of her adult life in Perth, Western Australia.

The desire was to take her husband and two boys to the US … to live, to connect with family and be “part of the mundane in each others lives.”

BUT, after over 3 years of careful planning, the ‘moment’ of leaving WA coincided with the world being exposed to a global pandemic. The plans, the future, the expectations of a different life were literally tipped upside down.

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"I like to talk about death and dying"

"I like to talk about death and dying"

Vicki Barry is a leader in Perth when it comes to planning for end of life. She found this ‘purpose’ in life by accident … literally by an accident when she was only 17 years old.

This passion has lead Vicki to become involved in the “Advance Care Planning” movement, where she teaches people how to be pro-active in carefully planning for their death. This has resulted into her setting up a Not for Profit called “The Departure Lounge”.

You can find Vicki at one of her “Perth Death Cafe” gatherings where interested people come together in a safe space to discuss everything about death and dying. Check out their Facebook page for the next event:-


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"I thought it would be pretty cool and play with other people's toys"

"I thought it would be pretty cool and play with other people's toys"

Neil Harrison joined the Whitfords Sea Rescue over 6 years ago as a volunteer with the idea of just helping out the community of “boaties” on a weekend afternoon.

But never in his wildest dreams did he think he would become so involved in “emergency first response”… and even attend a fatal shark attack during his first year of volunteering.

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"I said ... everybody, shut the fuck up ... really loudly to a room full of people I didn't know"

"I said ... everybody, shut the fuck up ... really loudly to a room full of people I didn't know"

Nick Lim openly admits at the start of this podcast, he’s been someone who’s fairly afraid of being caught out … of not knowing enough. He also says … “I’m always looking for endorsement, authority … someone to say you’re the right person”.

Yet he is recognised around town as a hustler, someone who connects people and gets things done. In fact, I first met Nick during the organisation of a massive design thinking event he was leading.

In this episode, we get to understand how this possible paradox has played out for Nick and most recently how he has done some truely significant things … things he and others least expected.

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"The universe was preparing me for something ... something Bigger"

"The universe was preparing me for something ... something Bigger"

Nevellene Linquist has had a successful career in both commercial businesses and organisations in the Not for Profit sector. Over the years her professional development has enabled her to acquire new knowledge and understand interesting concepts, however a couple of years ago her participation in the 10 month long ELIAS program (Engaging Leaders Innovating Across Sectors) … changed everything.

In her own words … “I was a new person”.

This program combined the structure of the Centre for Social Impact at UWA with the internationally acclaimed Presencing Institute’s concept of Theory U, in a program of experiential and adaptive learning.

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"You're a very different person, Amy"

"You're a very different person, Amy"

Amy and David Bandy faced a challenge many couples experience when trying to start a family…mother nature was not cooperating. The traditional approach of IVF was also not a guarantee, so Amy took it upon herself to embrace nature and all things spiritual.

She listened to family, sought advice from many experts, including practitioners from non-traditional fields … but most importantly followed her own intuition.

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"Mate, there's nothing like somebody who holds you to a standard WAY ABOVE what you can deliver"

"Mate, there's nothing like somebody who holds you to a standard WAY ABOVE what you can deliver"

Justin Davies has spent his career continually trying to “keep off the rocks” whilst learning as it goes. Starting one business within weeks of the Tech Wreck in the early 2000’s and then setting up his current business Emergination in 2008 … right in the middle of the 2008 financial crash.

He honed his sales skills in the digital world right at the start of the internet era … at a time when business models were changing all the time. All trying to keep up with the continually changing technology.

As a pioneer in tech innovation in WA, Justin has played a pivotal role in shaping the local business scene and in a way that involved “just having a go” in an ever changing business environment.

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"Dad was a Uniting Church minister ... he actually failed high school maths"

"Dad was a Uniting Church minister ... he actually failed high school maths"

The creator of Numero®, Rev. Frank Drysdale (1932-2011), was forced into early retirement in 1989 when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. One of Frank’s own remedies to this situation was to keep himself mentally fit by playing mind games, many of which involved cards. He enlisted the help of his young grandchildren to help him pass the time playing different card games.

Numero® was developed as a product of these sessions with his grandchildren, as Frank started with a simple concept and developed it into the game we now call Numero®.

A new era began in 2018 with publishing and distribution rights returning to the family fold, with their daughter, Julie, regaining control of Numero’s® future, through Independent Education and Training Pty Ltd. This company was formed to look after Numero® going forward and will cover everything Numero® related, incuding publishing, sales, distribution, marketing, professional development and the interschool competitions run in Western Australia on an annual basis.

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"The most pathetic, horrible meeting I have ever experienced"

"The most pathetic, horrible meeting I have ever experienced"

David Bandy has been a “sparkie”, a professional cricketer, a project manager, a box breaker … but most importantly … he is a leader of men … a real community influencer. That’s why at the age of around 40 years, he has chosen to become a police officer.

The experiences in his life as a tradesman and a professional athlete had many similarities. These ultimately influenced his important decision to enter The Force.

This is a good story about a ‘good bloke’.

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"A sense of internal confidence ... comes from your response in moments of pressure."

"A sense of internal confidence ... comes from your response in moments of pressure."

Simon Bowen has spent over two decades facilitating the resolution of complex issues for businesses and organisations of all sizes, across all sectors.

He is widely valued for his ability to challenge, elevate and accelerate collective thinking – bringing broad groups to clear and practical agreement.

But where did this passion and expertise come from … In this episode he reflects on his 19th Year on this planet and recent back surgery to give listeners a real insight.

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