"To not know the story of our past ... is to remain a child forever."

"To not know the story of our past ... is to remain a child forever."

Renée Gardiner is redesigning mental health & supporting leaders to rise.

This story begins when Renée was preparing for open heart surgery. Since that time her life and career have been directed by the desire to do what she wants … by rebuilding her Mind…Body…and Spirit.

Her new initiative is called KŌTA, a Transformational Health & Leadership Academy for the Modern World that is changing the global face of mental health.

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"Well being and performance go hand in hand"

"Well being and performance go hand in hand"

Paul Price has been inspired by a saying that goes something like this …

“Don’t ask what the world needs … ask what lights you up … because what the world needs is a whole bunch of people that are lit up” (sic)

As a Flow Coach, Paul now brings his world-class high performance experience together with his passion for the science of flow state to partner with others to chase & attain what truly makes them come alive.


Find his Flowcast at :- www.inspiredpeakperformance.com/the-ipp-flowcast

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"I took a gap year ... that ended up being 5 years"

"I took a gap year ... that ended up being 5 years"

Alastair Mackenzie has filled his life with many things, but now has a passion to make the lives of others better.

He started the Wembley Football Club Integrated Football team and then Alastair begun working in disability sector. This experience has led him to now create a new social enterprise called Buddiup … focusing on creating social inclusion through physical activity. See www.buddiup.com.au

As he says … “They can teach us as much as we can teach them.”

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"Yea, we were deep...deep in remote Canada. You wouldn't want to get stuck there!"

"Yea, we were deep...deep in remote Canada. You wouldn't want to get stuck there!"

Jason Milhahn dropped out of uni after 2 years and began a journey around the world.

It would see him be away from his home town for over 9 years as he pursued the dream of escape.

During this time he worked in the snow fields of Europe, Canada and the US … pursued the love of snow boarding … and immersed himself in the world of beer, cocktails and spirits. He left Australia with a dream and eventually came home with a range of skills, a lifetime of memories and stories, and a keen idea for what’s important in life.

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"I thought the worst thing that could go wrong was you could go broke"

"I thought the worst thing that could go wrong was you could go broke"

Mark Gatty had a successful corporate career before he chose to go into business for himself.

BUT the change was not an obvious progression.

He went from working on doing deals in the Terrace … to owning and running an asphalt supply and lay business. What could have been more different?

For over 13 years he successfully grew the company’s goodwill and financial success on a basis of sound, yet simple, business principles, creating a loyal workforce and quality work.

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"... this was not the life I was meant to live"

"... this was not the life I was meant to live"

Lisa is currently the CEO of the WA Aids Council and sets her daily goals to make a real difference.

BUT, the journey to this position came through a tough period for her. Being out of work before taking this role … she was financially, emotionally and professionally challenged during this period. However, Lisa was able to take meaning, inspiration and spiritual awareness from the experience, to become the inspired leader she is today.

She has words of wisdom for everyone who at some stage is challenged in their life.

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"Sometimes surprisingly ... or unsurprisingly, the internet would be blacked out"

"Sometimes surprisingly ... or unsurprisingly, the internet would be blacked out"

Peter and Vanessa Taylor spent nearly 5 years in Shanghai, China … on a delicate work assignment.

Dealing with the cultural issues, significant commercial pressures and living away from their two teenage daughters, it was an adventure that really influenced their lives.

Peter even lost a quarter of his body weight in a personal quest for health and fitness.

Interesting times in an interesting place.

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"I wanna know if you'd like to do the Sydney to Hobart"

"I wanna know if you'd like to do the Sydney to Hobart"

Ryan Honschooten is a natural sailor. World champion, ocean racer and Sydney to Hobart finisher … he has done a lot to fulfil his sailing bucket list. Ryan always challenges himself and his disability to get the best out of life.

When he got the call to do the Sydney to Hobart … with only 2 weeks notice … he jumped at it.

From leaving “The Heads” in Sydney to arriving at the docks in Hobart, Ryan through himself headlong into the adventure.

His story will inspire you.

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He said..."You need to write your book ... Australian men need a voice and your's is a good one"

He said..."You need to write your book ... Australian men need a voice and your's is a good one"

“I said straight away … mate … I’m not a writer. I just tell stories from the heart … this is just a series of stories”

Darrell Brown.

Darrell Brown has spent much of his life tuning into his wisdom. A videographer and photographer, he has spent his professional life traveling the world meeting and learning from the stories of others.

His life’s work is captured in the book “Raised by our Childhood Voices”, his first offering securing his position as an up and coming thought leader when it comes to raising confident, connected, compassionate boys. It is this that makes him a fatherhood author to watch.

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After 156 job rejections Jeffrey finally got a job as a lawyer ... "But, after 5 months I realised that it wasn't a good fit"

After 156 job rejections Jeffrey finally got a job as a lawyer ... "But, after 5 months I realised that it wasn't a good fit"

This social entrepreneur is using the power of human-centred stories to deepen empathy, create dialogue on contemporary issues and spark positive change.

Jeffrey has helped over 100 not-for-profit initiatives tell their stories by designing social brands and campaigns that rally people and fund important causes.

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"I started to look around for something to do ... something that was memorable"

"I started to look around for something to do ... something that was memorable"

On Max’s Island, Ryan tells us about the time on long service leave he decided to join a square rigger ship and sail from Auckland … across the Pacific … circumnavigate Cape Horn … visit the Falkland Islands and spend some time in South Georgia. And if that’s not enough, then sail across the Atlantic to Cape Town.

This is pretty special when you consider that Ryan completely lost his sight before he went to school.

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