"I started to look around for something to do ... something that was memorable"

Ryan Honschooten has done almost everything. He has sails competitively on ocean racers, he’s done the Sydney to Hobart, he’s won world sailing titles, he plays and coaches Goalball and has represented the state in cricket.

And then there is the peer mentoring, plus all the other recreational things you can fit in on the weekend and the community radio DJ’ing. If you want to know about music … then just ask Ryan.

But on Max’s Island, he tells us about the time on long service leave he decided to join a square rigger ship and sail from Auckland … across the Pacific … circumnavigate Cape Horn … visit the Falkland Islands and spend some time in South Georgia. And if that’s not enough, then sail across the Atlantic to Cape Town.

This is pretty special when you consider that Ryan completely lost his sight before he went to school.

"Max's Island" Podcast
Max Power