"I said ... everybody, shut the fuck up ... really loudly to a room full of people I didn't know"

Nick Lim openly admits at the start of this podcast, he’s been someone who’s fairly afraid of being caught out … of not knowing enough. He also says … “I’m always looking for endorsement, authority … someone to say you’re the right person”.

Yet he is recognised around town as a hustler, someone who connects people and gets things done. In fact, I first met Nick during the organisation of a massive design thinking event he was leading.

In this episode, we get to understand how this possible paradox has played out for Nick and most recently how he has done some truely significant things … things he and others least expected.

This includes,

  • hosting a “Come cook with Me” series of worldwide live streams during COVID, raising over $8,000 for charity whilst engaging with audience members in the US, UK, Japan, Malaysia and across Australia.

  • introducing to his workplace “Anythings Possible Thursday” where he began wearing a loud, floral shirt on a Thursday in a large multinational mining company convincing everyone he knows what he’s talking about in finance.

  • transforming his Rotary club to become focused on growing membership and creating impact through events using a unique organisational governance and structure called Holacracy.

"I said ... everybody, shut the fuck up ... really loudly to a room full of people I didn't know"
Max Power