"he was like ... not Autism, and I said no, no, no ... just ADHD and he said ... Oh, that's a shame"

As a developing child, Larissa Muir’s son was being excluded from aspects of the community and faced challenges in his initial years of education. Through clinical support and a medical process of discovery, he was initially diagnosed with ADHD, and eventually this led to a recognition of autism.

But, what do you do when you realise that the way he thinks … is the way you think and view the world. For Larissa, this was a revelation and allowed her to also be diagnosed with both conditions. As a professionally successful adult in her mid 30’s, she was now in a position to realise why her intuition and behaviour was shaped the way it was. But, it also presented a dilemma … how would people acknowledge her when she shared with them this important information.

In her visit to Max’s Island, we get an intimate insight into this world and how she now navigates the professional landscape in a way that suits her … and no longer conforming to accepted stereotypes.

Larissa is a successful CEO of an NFP and loves to share her story.

IMPORTANT:- There is a BONUS lesson to be learnt by everyone in this episode.