"People were so judgy ... that I was a single woman, on my own, on the road"

When faced with the emotional pressure of a long term relationship break-up it would seem natural to find the security of a safe space, in the company of loved ones and looking for stability in your life.

But for Alexis Naylor, when this happened she chose something quite different. She decided to embark on an adventurous life of living on the road and travelling around the country. With her re-fashioned ex-ambulance named “Van…essa”, Alexis was able to spread her wings, re-capture her independence and take control of her own destiny.

Being a successful musician, Alexis spent the next two and half years travelling around Australia, booking into studio’s to satisfy her creative expression and just playing gigs wherever she could.

When the journey ended and life returned to a sense of normality, Alexis contracted a condition that impacted on her ability to play the piano and perform live. During this time of rest and recovery her creative appetite was fulfilled with the creation of her podcast “Through the Creative Door”, where she meets talented creative types who share personal stories of the creation of their art…whatever that my be.

Alexis’s music can be found at www.alexisnaylor.com

And the podcast - Through the Creative Door” is on all major podcast streaming platforms.