"The division I was in ... 6 weeks after I got here ... was bought out by another company"

As an aspiring first class cricketer, Kris McShane made his way to Perth to hone his skill in different conditions during the English winter on three separate occasions. As a young man in his early 20’s, this was a chance to follow his passion, see the other side of the world and have a good time.

He progressively embraced the Perth lifestyle on each visit and eventually had the opportunity to take a chance and continue his already successful career in recruitment in WA.

The decision to relocate and ultimately set up his life in Perth came quickly and within 3 months from the start of the process he arrived to begin his new life. But, like many things in life, there were some challenges. Having the company who sponsored him to come to Perth being sold in his 1st six week was the first hiccup and then the sudden death of his father really challenged his resolve to stay.

Nonetheless, time has now passed, where he is well intrenched in the Perth corporate recruitment world and continues to play cricket each summer … and will continue to until his bowling shoulder says “it’s had enough.”