"I personally believe that ... in order to go anywhere ... you need to have come from somewhere"

Tara is passionate about bringing the beauty and power of Australian Sign Language (Auslan) into early childhood education. This passion is obvious in her emotionally powerful description of the venture she has created with her partner. Called Tiny Hands Signs, it has a purpose to introduce sign language as an additional method to aid the communication development of all children.

For all her life she has been deeply connected to the deaf and hard of hearing community, so the chance to take the benefits of sign language to all educators is an opportunity to good to be missed.

Feeling the emotion in this venture is easy to appreciate when you hear Tara’s vision of a better experience for children during the early learning years of their lives.

The Tiny Hands Signs supported community is growing and they are taking the learnings from the lived experienced examples being witnessed every day.

To find out more, connect with Tiny Hands Signs:-

