"I was on a walk ... and I found myself running back home so I could sign up"

Yvette Thomas and her husband had well established, long term careers. But they were forced to make a considered decision, during the worldwide pandemic, to seek a new life … and future.

This involved a move to regional Western Australia to operate a tourist accomodation … a project that lasted for 2 years and 9 months. However the intensity of running a 24/7 operation created physical and mental burnout which led to the need for both of them to take a break. The only way to deal with this was to take 3 months for “complete rest and recovery”.

After this time of contemplation, Yvette began a process of discovery to determine …”what’s next?”

This involved a simple Google search of “trauma informed education” and opened her world to new opportunities. The first step was to complete an online course called “The Trauma Informed certificate for Coaches and Healers”

Now she is a trained “Root Cause Therapist” and “Trauma Informed Manifestation Coach”.

This has totally changed her life and she truely understands that when you “step into your courage” you will be rewarded … no matter what.

You too can be inspired by Yvette on her blog … found at https://fromloathingtolove.com/ and she is also prominent on Insta @fromloathingtolove