"It's not a matter that philanthropy starts with a billionaire ... it starts with a mindset"

In 2016, businessman-turned-charity founder Ali Horriyat gave away his entire personal fortune of almost $100m. This was not just a meaningless distribution of cash to satisfy an ego charged desire for personal fulfilment, but it came from a real belief in a better way to shift the social impact dial.

He went to the extremes of experiencing homelessness, connecting with people who’s human values mattered more than their wealth and spent many hours, weeks, months and years capturing a manifesto of beliefs that were used to set the basis for his future life.

He is one of the great moral and social thinkers of our time.

The inspiring and selfless progression of his life lead to the forming of Compassiviste, a charity committed to building social and environmental equality on a global scale.

In this first episode, of a two part series, we discover important developments in Ali’s life, leading up to the revelation that a change was needed … and highly desired.
