"It was the 9/9/99 ... as Dame Edna would say ... a very spooky date, darling"

Charlie Gunningham was a little uncertain about the long term future of his teaching career in the late 1990’s. But, like many changes in life, there was a sequence of events … some unplanned and generally not expected, that eventually catapulted his professional life from teaching to something totally different … the tech world of digital real estate.

This mixture of influential events included completing an MBA, connecting with an American “hedge fund” manager and entrepreneur who had found himself in Perth WA, investing in untried mapping technology … and even being on stage with his wife at a Dame Edna Everage show at the Regal Theatre in Subiaco WA.

And … all of this coming together just as the world wide tech bubble was about to burst.

But it worked out … with Charlie and his American business partner taking the plunge to establish a mapping based Real Estate tech platform and quickly evolving their business model so that it became not only sustainable … but making money.

This is a typical entrepreneurial story of a good idea, the connection of passionate people, fast and intuitive decision making … added with a spice of the quirky. If a Dame Edna experience isn’t quirky, then nothing is!

"It was the 9/9/99 ... as Dame Edna would say ... a very spooky date, darling"
Max Power