"I went to the 'boulangerie' ... and I got into arguments with the bus drivers"

The inspired decision at a young age to study French in school, has lead Rachael West on a path of living and working in France on multiple occasions.

These visits were experiences that have shaped her thinking, allowed her to take study opportunities that have fuelled her passions and ultimately allowed her to be immersed in the French culture.

But, these are not the only interesting experiences she has had … there’s also “Clown School”. Being part of this intensive program of performance, has positively influence her understanding of how humans perform in front of crowds. She has taken this knowledge into her work as a “speaker coach”.

Rachael’s experiences are unique and prove that there is not one well trodden path to follow … rather, let yourself be guided by the moment and the realisation of how this can satisfy your passions.

To connect with Rachael, visit her website ….


…and listen here to her TedX talk from 2017….you’ll be amazed!
