"I paint for me ... there's a reason one colour goes next to another colour"

After suffering from a work related head trauma, Mark Ewing developed an acquired brain injury that needed to be managed as he attempted to return to work. But this was challenging when colleagues kept saying “you look fine to me” … and his manager even said “if you don’t recover, you will be dismissed”.

It took the astute recognition from his GP, of his real condition, for things to change … finally someone who took interest in his post traumatic growth recovery. And then, a considered referral to a psychologist who knew what was possibly happening to his brain, unlocked the inspiration for taking positive action.

The link to art, as a way for Mark to demonstrate his emotional position and feelings, provided the inspiration to follow a path toward recovery. Initially, this art reflected how Mark associated these emotions exclusively through colours and positioning them together.

He also likes to have metaphors and stories in his work. These are self reflective, self driven and totally for himself.

Mark is now in a gallery and an art studio, but most importantly he is influencing others with ABI’s by volunteering in an art program at Fiona Stanley Hospital. Another great step toward his recovery and personal growth.

Mark’s art can be found at:-

Facebook: Mark Ewing Art

Insta: markewing_art

"I paint for me ... there's a reason one colour goes next to another colour"
Max Power